The owner of this website is Atif Ameen


How to know how much time you spent on your computer after windows startup

If you want to know how much time you spent after windows start up then you come to the right place
Did you know many people uses their PC for a long time.
Many engineers spent a lot of time in making their CV etc...

here is a step by step tutorial with pictures on how to know how much time you spent on your computer after windows start up.

Step 1:

Go to start menu then click on run after that type cmd and hit enter.

Go to : (Start <-  run <-  type cmd <- hit enter)

press ( window +r   )  then type cmd and hit enter

see figure below:

Step 2:

After that cmd window will appear

Just type :   systeminfo

And hit enter you will see information will come.

Step 3:
after that you have to find
system up time after some space your time is written
see figure below :

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Author: Atif Ameen
Atif Ameen is the founder and owner of . He is now studying in X class inspite of studying he is an Addicted web developer. Read More →